Consejos de defensa propia para cualquier situacion

HOUSTON — El año pasado, desafortunadamente, ha estado marcada por tiroteos trágicos. Desde un teatro en Colorado a un centro comercial en Oregon a una escuela primaria en Connecticut, la defensa propia se ​​está convirtiendo en una necesidad real.

Estas tácticas se pueden aplicar en cualquier altercado físico, de un tiroteo al secuestro o asalto sexual. Houston en sí es infamoso por la trata de personas, un peligro cada vez más real para todos los habitantes de la ciudad y sus suburbios circundantes.

Por favor, lea estos consejos y aprende a defenderse a sí mismo ya sus seres queridos. Si hay algunos otros consejos que usted recomienda, no dude en dejar en los comentarios.

1. Detección
Los atacantes no quieren ser atrapados. El aumento de su visibilidad a testigos o llamando la atención a un asaltante hace que sea menos probable que una confrontación se iniciará.

2. Intrusión
Un atacante no puede atacar si no puede llegar a usted. La colocación de una barrera física entre usted y un atacante puede hacer toda la diferencia.

3. Aislamiento
Los delincuentes son mucho más propensos a atacar cuando estás solo. 96% de los violadores comprueban para ver si la víctima está sola antes de atacar. Si parece como si el asalto será presenciado o interrumpido, es menos probable que se inicie.

4. Respuesta
Habilidades de respuesta empiezan por prestar atención a su entorno y ser capaz de reconocer cuando estás en la mira como una víctima potencial. Usted debe localizar e identificar peligros potenciales y responder de maneras que pueden disuadir a las situaciones volátiles.

5. Reacción
Reacción significa tomar inmediatas acciones físicas cuando te das cuenta de que tu estás siendo atacado. Mientras más sabes acerca de qué hacer para protegerte de un asalto físico, es más probable que tengas éxito en defenderte y escapar a un lugar seguro.

Tiroteo en una escuela primaria en Connecticut deje 18 niños muertos

Un tiroteo en Newtown, Connecticut ha dejado 18 niños muertos. No está claro cuántas personas han muerto, pero se ha informado que al menos de 27 personas han fallecido. El hombre armado que atacó a Sandy Hook Elementary se ha sido confirmado muerte. Según ABC News, el hombre armado ha sido identificado como Ryan Lanza de New Jersey.

Los niños de la escuela son de los grados K-4. De acuerdo con el New York Times, Lanza, 24, entró al clase donde su madre era maestra y le disparó y la mató despues disparando 18 estudiantes en el aula. También disparó siete otros adultos.

Es el segundo peor tiroteo masivo en la historia de EE.UU., cerca detrás del tiroteo de Virginia Tech en 2007, donde 32 fueron asesinados. El tiroteo en Columbine en 1999 ahora está en tercer lugar con 13 muertos y 24 heridos.

Según la página de Facebook del Danbury Hospital, estan tratando a tres víctimas y se encuentra bajo llave.

El presidente Obama ha sido informado sobre la situación, dijo el White House.

Restos encontrados en destruccion del avión de Jenni Rivera


CNN – Los investigadores han encontrado restos humanos en el lugar de un accidente en el norte de México cree que mató a mexicano-americano cantante Jenni Rivera, pero la familia sigue aferrarse a una astilla de la esperanza de un milagro.

Los funcionarios civiles de aviación dicen que creen que nadie sobrevivió al accidente. Sin embargo, la familia de Rivera dice que la esperanza es lo último que se pierde.

Las autoridades no describir el estado de los restos, pero dijo que no sabe cuántas personas que pertenecen.

Los restos fueron encontrados el martes en el sitio de los restos y fueron trasladados a Monterrey, la misma ciudad el Learjet privado despegó, dijo Priscila Rivas, portavoz del ministerio público del estado.

Es demasiado pronto para saber si los restos de Rivera se encontraban entre los que se encuentran, Rivas dijo, pero las pruebas de ADN están en marcha. Resultados de las pruebas puede tomar desde un día hasta semanas, dijo.

Hermano de Rivera, Lupillo, llegó a Monterrey de la casa de la familia en Lakewood, California. Antes de salir de California, describió la situación como “95% mala noticia”, pero añadió que la familia se aferra a la pequeña esperanza de que Jenni Rivera sobrevivió de alguna manera.

Un improvisado altar con flores, globos y velas apareció en el jardín delantero de la familia.

“Confío en Dios, y él me da fuerza”, dijo la madre de Rivera, Rosa Rivera. “Sé que si en verdad (que está muerta), doy las gracias a Dios por el tiempo que ella compartió conmigo, por el tiempo precioso que me llamó Madre.”

Otras seis personas, entre ellas dos pilotos, se cree que a bordo del avión, que perdió contacto con los controladores de tráfico aéreo poco después del despegue.

Nacido en Long Beach, California, a padres inmigrantes mexicanos, Rivera, de 43 años, lanzó su álbum debut en 1999, de acuerdo con su sitio web. Ella canta baladas tradicionales mexicanos, y fue nominado para un premio Grammy Latino en 2002 en la categoría de “Mejor Álbum de Banda”.

En octubre, la revista People en Español nombró a Rivera a su lista de las 25 mujeres más poderosas.

Famoso por su música, también es conocida por su vida personal tumultuosa. El cantante era una madre soltera a la edad de 15 años y es madre de cinco hijos, su sitio web, dijo.

Rivera “I Love Jenni” reality show comenzó a transmitirse en mun2 de Telemundo red el año pasado.

Ella es una juez en el popular programa de televisión “La Voz de México”, que fue programado para transmitirse el domingo por la noche Televisa. Tomando nota de su preocupación por Rivera, Televisa anunció que emitirá un informe especial sobre el cantante en su lugar.

“Para todos sus fans que sufren, les digo gracias, y no sufrir. Pronto tendremos noticias de ella”, dijo Rosa Rivera.

Janney “Chiquis” Rivera talks “I Love Jenni: Season 2”

Last night, “La Diva de la Banda,” Jenni Rivera, died in an airplane crash flying over Mexico. Back in February, her oldest daughter, Janney “Chiquis” Rivera, spoke to La Prensa de Houston about her mother and the new season of her hit reality TV show on mun2, which premiered on March 4, 2012.

The show followed Regional Mexican recording artist Jenni Rivera and her family, showing everyone the complexities of her job as well as being a wife, mother and grandmother. Health scares, a new business and family drama are among the things Chiquis mentioned we could look forward to on I Love Jenni Season 2.

AG: Hi Chiquis, so nice to meet you!
CM: Nice to meet you, too, Alex!

AG: Okay, well can we start with you telling the readers a little bit about I Love Jenni?
CM: I Love Jenni is a reality show based on our family, and mostly about my mother, what she does. Everybody knows she’s an artist, a regional Mexican recording artist, and she has five crazy kids and now a crazy granddaughter. She just got married a year ago, so now you can see a little bit of the dynamic between her being on stage and her being at home, and I think it’s important for her fans to see Jenni in a different light, for them to know and understand and see first-hand that she’s a normal woman. She always says, “No soy artista, soy mujer” (“I’m not an artist, I’m a woman), and I think that’s very important so people can identify, I think, more than anything, with her and with us. I mean, we weren’t born in this, let’s say, “luxurious life.” It wasn’t always like this. It was hard to get to where my mom is at. We had to go through a lot. There were a lot of doors shut in her face, pero nunca se llego por vencida (but she never gave up), she just said, “I gotta keep going, I gotta do this,” and thank God she is who she is now. I think it’s important for her fans to see that, to see the reality, to see that we’re normal, we’re raw, this is our life.

AG: Can you tell me about that beginning? I know you’re her oldest daughter, so can you tell me what it was like at the start?
CM: She had me when she was 16, two weeks before her sixteenth birthday, and we went through a lot. We grew up together. As you can imagine, being so close in age, we used to butt heads, but we’re so close. I’m her right hand. The only reason I’m confident to say that is because she says it! (laughs) But I’ve helped her a lot with the kids, helped her with the businesses and helped build her empire. Now we have a fragrance line, we have a jewelry, even a sports line that’s coming out, and so yeah. It wasn’t always peaches and cream. If anything, it was very difficult. There were times when we didn’t have anything to eat. Our dad wasn’t in the picture, he never really took care of us. When she got remarried, then he wasn’t in the picture, and then unfortunately, he passed away, so it’s been a rough road. It’s been a journey, but it’s been a good journey. We’ve been blessed.

AG: The relationship you have with your mom, I saw the highlights from season one and a sneak peek of season two, you all are really close. Can you tell me a little bit about that relationship?
CM: My mom and I are extremely close. Our relationship, I think, is at its best right now. I think it’s because I’ve grown up. I gave her a hard time, she didn’t know how to handle me. I wasn’t really a bad child, I was just doing the normal things, you know, things I would now tell children, “Don’t do it.” Like, for instance, ditching. I ditched sixth grade, and you can just imagine how my mom took that. I gave her a lot of headaches. She always says, “You didn’t come with a manual,” so we’d bump heads, and she’d be like, “What do I do with you!” She was just trying to make it in life and work hard. But now, it’s great. I mean, before she got married, it was like she was the husband and I was the wife. She would go out and work, and I would stay home and take care of the kids, pay the bills, make sure everything was running the way it should at home. That was my life for a very long time, since I graduated from high school. I was supposed to go to the Air Force, but that didn’t work out very well. She had just gotten divorced, and she needed me. She was just starting her career, so yeah. We always say she’s the rock I stand upon. She’s my partner, she’s my friend, she’s my mother, she’s my best friend. We have a very good relationship.

AG: Tell me about that starting point for her career. Where did it all start, and what was it like experiencing that with your mom?
CM: I think, it was in a one, when her first hit hit the radio, I wanna say it was “Las Malandrinas,” and it was just so different. It was a corrido, so it wasn’t, like, very…I don’t know what the word is, I don’t know, it just wasn’t likely for a woman to sing a corrido. I think that’s, more than anything, what caught everyone’s eye. It wasn’t easy though, but it was her first hit on the radio. I remember thinking, “Oh my gosh.” I remember being in sixth grade, fifth grade, and my mom had just started her career. I would think, “Oh my god, imagine if my mom was, like, this big superstar.” Still, to this day, it’s surreal. It’s crazy to see all these fans love her, you know? She sold out the Staples Center in Los Angeles, and it’s just crazy to see that, to see that, “Wow, all these people are here to see my mom.” It’s a beautiful feeling.

AG: What do you think it is about her that makes her so likeable?
CM: I think, more than anything, what makes her likeable is that she is a real woman. She’s not the average, you know, size 3 (laughs). You know, she always says that she’s just, you know, “I have stretchmarks, and I am a woman, I’ve had kids,” and I think people can look at her and say, “Wait, I have kids, too, and she made it.” I think, more than anything, I think that’s why people can identify with her and relate to everything she’s been through. She’s not trying to pretend she’s perfect, like, “Oh, you know, I’m picture perfect.” Not at all. If anything, it’s like, “This is who I am. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve done things that I shouldn’t have done, but you know what, I accept them and I’m trying to fix it,” and I think that’s what people love about her. She’s just so real, it doesn’t get any more real than my mom.

AG: Speaking of real, I saw in the sneak peek for season two that she has a health scare.
CM: Yeah, that was something that really, really was a huge surprise for us. My mom is the type of woman that, she doesn’t let anything… what’s the word that I’m looking for… que la tumbe.
AG: Break her?
CM: Yeah, she doesn’t let anything break her. When I saw that, when I saw that she was actually scared, her face, it’s just a face I had never seen on my mom before. I got scared, and I thought, “Oh my gosh, now it’s my turn to be strong, I have to be strong for the kids and everything’s gonna be fine,” but it was definitely a scare, something that que no le deseo a nadie, es la verdad, fue algo muy dificil (something I would never wish upon anyone, that’s the truth, it was really difficult). Thank God she’s okay, but you guys will see a different side of Jenni, for sure. For sure you guys will see a different side of Jenni, it’s something…even every time I watch it, it’s like, it makes me cry. I can’t believe she went through all that.

AG: What else can we look forward to in season two?
CM: There’s someone that’s in love in my family. There’s a new addition to the family. There might be marriage, I’m not sure (laughs). There’s possibilities of my mother having another grandchild, so there’s a lot of surprises. There’s a whole lot of surprises in this season, and the thing is that we all feel so much more comfortable, and you can see it. The good thing about the reality show is that it’s reality, it’s us, it’s our real lives, and if something not so good happens, it’s out there, because we signed a contract, and they can follow us wherever, so there’s a whole lot of surprises. I’m very excited for this season, it’s gonna be great. I mean, I Love Jenni Season One was number one on mun2.

AG: You did sign that contract, and they are allowed to follow you wherever. I mean, that must be difficult when going through personal things like your mom’s health scare. What is it like having cameras around you 24/7?
CM: You know what, it’s not very… There’s times or days when I’m just like, “Oh my gosh, I am so annoyed,” but you know what, if I’m annoyed, you see it, and also if I’m happy. Usually we’re always happy, to be honest with you, because we kind of already have it in our minds, “You know what, we’re gonna record, and we did this, and it’s gonna be a positive thing for the world, for women, for men out there.” Sometimes it is a little tiring, it’s kind of like, “Oh my gosh.” But the good thing is that we don’t have to pretend. You know, it is what it is, and that’s what’s a big relief off my shoulders, that I don’t have a script, like, here’s a script, say this, say that, I’m not really good with that stuff. It’s all real, it’s real stuff.

AG: Speaking of script, your mom is going to be in a movie.
CM: Yes, that’s another thing! Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I forgot that! You can see that in season two, that she came out in her first, um, she starred in her first film, Filly Brown. She did wonderful, and we went to the Sundance festival in Utah. She did an amazing job, it’s just crazy to see my mom in a movie.

AG: Is there anything else you think the people of Houston should know about the show or anything you think I missed or didn’t touch base on?
CM: Well, there are a lot of surprised to look out for in season two, and also, we’re going to start up a spin-off called Jenni Rivera presents Chiquis and Raq-C, where it is going to be showing me aspiring to become a businesswoman, so that’s gonna be huge for me, to see my life on a personal level. I think it’s gonna be fun, it’s definitely gonna be a lot of fun. You guys can also always visit to see more clips, things that are adelante (coming soon), in other words.

AG: Can you talk a little bit more about the businesswoman aspect of yourself?
CM: Yes. Thank God for my mother, because she kind of embedded business in my mind. She always just threw me out there and said, “You know, I wanna do this, I want to have a fragrance line, I wanna do this,” and I would go and figure it out. Now I feel so confident to say, “You know what, I want my own business.” It’s going to be called “Blow Me Dry.” (laughs) Kinda catchy, right? Anyway, it’s a hair salon for women, and I’m going to have a service for men, but it’s not a full-on salon. It’s just gonna be where you get your hair washed, conditioned, set, and it’s like an in-and-out sort of thing, you know? It’s gonna be in Encino, Calif., so that’s exciting for me. It’s something that I…it’s gonna be my baby. My baby. And I think that’s important.
AG: Yeah, that’s a great idea, too. There are so many times when I go to the salon to cut my hair, and they blow it out and it just..
CM: Looks beautiful for two or three days! Yeah! So, I think down where we live, it’s a great concept. It’s gonna work out. I think it’s gonna be good, just obviously, to begin, I’ve been doing this for about six-seven months now, it’s been a process. But it’s a learning experience, and the truth of the matter is, that’s been my entire life. I kind of go into something not knowing what the heck I’m doing, and it turns out good! (laughs) It’s all God.

AG: Well thank you so much for your time, you’ve been very sweet.
CM: You’re so sweet! Thank you!

Brasil: Decenas de policías detenidos, acusados ​​de aceptar sobornos



(CNN) – Las autoridades brasileñas arrestaron a decenas de agentes de la policía el martes, acusándolos de aceptar sobornos de traficantes de drogas.

Los 61 agentes fueron pagados a hacer la vista gorda ante las actividades delictivas en el estado brasileño de Río de Janeiro, los funcionarios estatales de seguridad pública, dijo. Los investigadores siguen buscando a otros dos agentes sospechosos de haber participado.

Una investigación reveló que los agentes habían recibido pagos de 2.500 reales (unos US $ 1.200) cada vez que patrullaban ciertas comunidades, la estatal Agencia Brasil, citando a las autoridades.

Arrestos del martes, apodados “Purificación de Operación,” ven como autoridades trabajan para aumentar la seguridad en Río de Janeiro y acabar con las bandas de narcotraficantes antes de la Copa del Mundo 2014 y los Juegos Olímpicos dos años más tarde.

En octubre, la policía dijo que incautaron armas automáticas, granadas y armas de fuego y detuvo a decenas de personas en una serie de redadas barrios marginales de Río de Janeiro. Anunciaron que iban en los días en las comunidades de antelación.

La policía dijo que tomar ese enfoque para evitar mayor violencia, pero los críticos han dicho que simplemente da criminales la oportunidad de escapar.

En la operación del martes, dijeron las autoridades también arrestaron a 11 sospechosos de tráfico de drogas.